Saturday 28 February 2015

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Baru Beach Bantul

This beach is one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta beach, the beach is still classified in the category of most young beach in Yogyakarta. The location is in the hamlet Ngentak, Srandakan Bantul. Baru beach presence is able to enliven in the field of coastal tourism in Yogyakarta and especially in the district. Bantul. It can enrich the beauty of the beaches Bantul besides the beach The already well-known to the world, Depok Beach which is a culinary center of the ocean, beach Srandakan, and so forth.

Baru beach has a promising potential of natural beauty, beaches shaded, broad, sloping, clean and comfortable and free from air pollution, it is perfect for
relaxing with the family. The beach is about 4000m and presents one of the power of God who is perfect. On this beach there is a family petilasan Ngayogyakarta Palace, held annually at the National Rocket Competition. Not only that, on the coast there are also tourist attractions such education Solar Power Generation (solarcell) and wind (less there are about 38 windmills).

If you want a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere then here there are many food stalls at a very affordable price, the stalls also provide services to cook fish that you can buy at TPI here at a cost of between Rp.5000 - 10,000. And you can also enjoy the atmosphere under fir with mats.

The price of admission to the Baru Beach: Rp.2000 / person and Car Parking Ticket at Baru Beach: Rp.5000 / car.

Access to head to Baru Beach:1. From Adisucipto Airport to Baru Beach: exit through the door in the basement and then go up and down in the trans Jogja Bus Station followed by a bus ride majors Bantul / Srandakan and down at times Progo bridge after that ride motorcycles or on foot by following the signposts .2. From the Bus Terminal to Baru Beach: take the bus to the majors Bantul or Srandakan then down at the bridge times Progo followed by riding a motorcycle or on foot following the signs towards.

3. From the Terminal Jombor to Baru Beach: ride bus Jogja-Paste and down on the ringroad Bantul then cross the intersection and take the bus to the majors Bantul or Srandakan and down at times Progo bridge after the ride motorcycles or on foot following the signposts.4. From Tugu Station to Baru Beach: out past the back door and then go up the path kobutri 17 and get off at the corner Beteng kulon followed by a bus ride Jogja-Paste and down on the ringroad intersection Bantul after the crossing and the bus ride majors Bantul or Srandakan later down on the bridge times Progo followed by riding a motorcycle or on foot by following the signposts.5. From Lempuyangan to Baru Beach: city bus with lanes 6 and get off at the Bus Station and then take a bus or Srandakan majors Bantul and down at times Progo bridge after that ride motorcycles or on foot by following the signposts.

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