Wednesday 25 February 2015

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Beautiful Views of The Kuwaru Beach

It's beautiful views of the Kuwaru beach! I do not suspect that this beach is very beautiful, with mangroves that are still green and lush beautiful sand strewn underneath instead of garbage. A very enjoyable trip, unspoiled and not a lot of human engineering. This beach is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, precisely in Bantul. If you've been to Yogyakarta, Indonesia have not visited this beach really a pity! So that will come if you do not forget to visit Yogyakarta this Kuwaru beach. Not too far from the city center, only
about a 1-2 hour drive.

This Kuwaru beach in rows with the many other beaches, so if we go to the Kuwaru beach can all stop by to other beaches that were there. There you can sit back while ordering the seafood was delicious and tasty. There is also a fairly large parking lot, and that can not be forgotten where unspoiled, beautiful and fascinating.

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